
The Simple Tip to Boost Your Restaurant Social Media

Today I will share a social media tip that can really help your restaurant grow. By using this approach, you’ll be able to attract more guests, build loyalty among your existing customers, and even encourage them to share their experiences on social media. And the best part? You can start using this tip right away!

Your restaurant’s social media presence is like a window into your world. Creating a three-dimensional perception of your restaurant through social media is essential to build a community around it.

But for now, let’s focus on one key area all restaurants should highlight: their food!

Today just posting pictures of your dishes isn’t enough. You need to show your food in the context of your restaurant. This helps your followers create a connection with your establishment and makes it more likely that they will remember your restaurant the next time they’re looking for a great meal.

By showing your dishes in the context of your restaurant, you’ll be able to create a stronger connection with your followers. And that’s the key to building a loyal customer base.

To really make your food stand out, all you need to do is change the angle of the shot a little bit. It’s a small change, but it can make a huge difference!

Have you ever noticed how restaurants post close-up photos of their food on social media? It’s supposed to be a great way to showcase the dishes they offer, but sometimes it can be a bit flat. I mean, with so many accounts to follow on social media, it’s easy to forget where you saw a particular dish. That’s why it’s important to add some context to the photo.

Context is the overall background of a photo that connects the main object (in our case, a dish) and a restaurant and conveys a particular emotion and message.

By creating a broad background that connects the dish and the restaurant and conveys your message, the picture becomes more memorable and evokes emotions.

For example, adding a magazine with the right image to a photo of macarons can create a context that appeals to a specific audience, such as fashion and style enthusiasts. This helps create a connection with the restaurant and offers the viewer the context they want to be a part of.

So, the next time you are going to post a photo of food on social media, take a moment to think about the context and how it relates to the restaurant.

Let me share another example with you. It’s a photo of croissants. The image looks good but doesn’t stand out on its own. However, when we added red lipstick and a napkin, the photo suddenly had a chic Parisian vibe. It’s amazing how a few little touches can really transform an image!

What else could be part of the context?

Instead of just showing the dish itself, display it in the setting of your restaurant. Place it on a table near a big window or on your summer terrace. Show your guests what they’ll see when they are in the establishment. This immersive experience helps people get a feel for your restaurant’s atmosphere.

Also, you can use a recognizable detail from your restaurant’s interior to create the context.

Another thing to keep in mind is the background of your photo. If your restaurant positions itself as eco-friendly, try using a wooden background and fabrics made from natural materials. You could even add some wildflowers to drive the message home.

To establish a direct connection with your restaurant, include a coffee cup, a napkin with your logo, or some branded takeaway packaging.

One of the advantages of this approach is that you give your customers ideas of what photos they can make in your restaurant and post on social media.

In general, when creating a context, it’s important to keep two things in mind.

  1. Your guests should be able to tell right away that this dish is associated with your restaurant.
  2. They should get a sense of the atmosphere they can expect when they come to dine in your establishment. That’s why it’s key to understand your target audience and what kind of context will resonate with these people.

In conclusion, by incorporating context and showcasing your dishes within the restaurant’s ambiance, you can create a memorable and immersive experience for your social media followers, ultimately building a loyal customer base and attracting new guests. So, get creative, think outside the plate, and watch your restaurant’s social media presence thrive.